Article Thought Leadership

Revolutionizing Online Learning with Jugo:
The Future of EdTech

Discover how with Jugo, students can feel like they're in a virtual classroom, participating in discussions, asking questions, and collaborating with their classmates.
Read time: 6 min
Published: Aug 2023

Revamping Digital Education: Making Online Learning More Engaging and Immersive

Have you ever had to sit through a 2-hour online meeting?

If you have, you know what it’s like. Your vision goes blurry, and you daydream about what you will have for dinner. Now imagine what that is like for students learning “old school” through video calling platforms.

As we live in a digital era, the education sector is transforming. With over 60% of university students in the United States embracing online learning, it’s clear that the future of education lies in the digital world. Today, we’ll show you how to reshape online understanding, making it more engaging and immersive.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities worldwide to adapt quickly to online learning. Despite the remarkable adaptability showcased by universities, these tools lacked something crucial – a genuine connection. The impersonal nature of such digital tools started taking a toll on students’ academic performance and mental health, signaling a growing need for more engaging and motivating online learning environments. Though online learning tools such as digital conferencing, social media, and learning management systems like Canva and Moodle were in place, they often lacked the interactive elements that foster student engagement and motivation.

The main challenges included:

  • Decreased motivation and focus during online classes
  • A prevalent sense of social isolation
  • Technical hiccups
  • Perception of poor value in exchange for high tuition fees

Balancing the Scale: Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning in a Post-Pandemic World”

The shift towards online learning during the pandemic’s peak was dramatic. Universities worldwide implemented digital tools to fill the educational gap, ensuring students could continue learning despite the crisis. However, as necessary and innovative as this swift response was, it fell short of replicating the rich dynamics of in-person teaching and learning.

Despite their flexibility and convenience, online classes failed to capture the nuances of in-person interactions – the eye contact, the non-verbal cues, and the spontaneous classroom discussions that add so much value to the learning experience. This lack of interactive and immersive learning hurt student engagement, eventually impacting grades and mental health.

Adding fuel to the fire was the high tuition fees students were still expected to pay, despite receiving what many felt was a diluted educational experience. The drastic shift to online learning and limited interaction with lecturers and seminar teachers left students feeling shortchanged. The lack of value for their investment was all too apparent.

Fast forward to 2022-23, and online learning isn’t going away. Data from the BBC suggests that nearly a third of university courses combine face-to-face teaching with online education. This percentage, which sat at a mere 4.1% before the pandemic in 2018-19, has risen to a whopping 28%. Online learning has evolved from a temporary solution to a lasting educational approach.

Yet, the transparency issue continues to be a stumbling block. Paying £9,000 per annum for a course that offers only a third of its content in-person left students feeling cheated. A student from Bath University described it as “bad value for money, like watching a YouTube video.” This sense of dissatisfaction underscores the urgent need for improvements in the online learning sphere.

Conversely, we see a significant change in teachers’ attitudes towards online teaching. The pandemic and the subsequent shift to virtual classrooms have opened doors to new perspectives. More than three-fourths of teachers now prefer a mix of in-person and online teaching post-pandemic. They appreciate the benefits it offers students and the flexibility it provides in their teaching approach.

Benefits of virtual classes

  • Statistically, people are more likely to attend (Accessibility)
  • Access to the global network -international students or staff
  • Quicker responses with feedback from students
  • Fewer resources are required.

Challenges with two-dimensional platforms:

  • Lack of motivation from students
  • Technical difficulties
  • Socially isolating as lack of in person contact
  • Not giving students their money’s worth
  • Lack of engagement
  • Retaining students

Considering these facts, the constant evolution of educational operations becomes evident. Higher education institutions must now rise to the occasion, leveraging the power of EdTech innovations to enrich the online learning experience for students and teachers. It is a challenging endeavor, but the potential rewards – an engaging, effective, and equitable educational environment – make it a pursuit worth striving for.

Embracing Innovation in EdTech: Harness the Power of Jugo for Immersive Online Learning Experience

In the face of these challenges, the EdTech sector witnessed a bright spark – innovation. As a mixed reality platform, Jugo brings a pioneering solution to the digital learning experience. The immersive technology of Jugo serves to humanize the often-impersonal digital world.

  • Immersive 3D environments that resemble real-life auditoriums foster interaction.
  • High visibility of lecturers, presentation slides, and fellow students.
  • Interactive features like polls, Q&As, emojis, and hand raises.

Jugo’s virtual event platform creates a virtual, 3D environment that mimics real-life spatial perception, enhancing the feeling of an in-person class. Students and teachers are not just pixels on a screen but are seen in an engaging, interactive environment. Coupled with interactive features, Jugo helps foster community and collaboration.

In the new era of hybrid learning, Jugo delivers an innovative solution that bridges the gap between in-person and online education. It boasts sleek designs featuring round auditoriums that closely resemble real-life lecture theatres. This design provides a sense of being in an in-person class, with the lecturer at the front and content easily visible on slides.

Which conversations are you more engaged in and enjoy: standing in a line or feeling together in a group?

This is the same concept Jugo is built upon to break through the barriers of disengagement to create relationships in a virtual space that means something.

Throughout life, we are always socially positioning ourselves in circles, so naturally, we feel more welcomed and comfortable in this configuration resulting in more positive outcomes when applied to our learning, well-being, and a sense of belonging.

Harnessing the Power of Jugo for a First-class Education

As we move towards a future increasingly reliant on hybrid learning, platforms like Jugo become critical. They have the potential to redefine the educational experience, creating an environment that is as enriching and engaging as traditional classrooms.

  • Collaboration platforms have evolved: They’ve moved from being mere broadcasting tools to providing immersive experiences. Schools serious about enhancing their digital strategy should consider investing in advanced collaboration technologies like Jugo.
  • Transforming the student experience: New tech like Jugo offers an ideal opportunity to enhance comprehension and learning outcomes. By facilitating deeper understanding, platforms like these can enrich the hybrid learning mode that’s becoming increasingly common in education.
  • Analytics for adaptive teaching: Real-time insights into students’ engagement can inform and adapt teaching methods. Showcasing to schools how tech can positively impact productivity and cater to individual student needs is a game-changer.

Download our virtual experience technology ebook for more information on to get ahead of the game with virtual experience technology in higher education.

Maximizing Engagement with Jugo: Transforming Businesses and Education

At its core, Jugo acknowledges the importance of engagement in myriad scenarios – from business meetings and presentations to educational settings. By integrating immersive technology into teaching practices, Jugo actively tackles the inherent issues of traditional educational methods. This paves the way for students to realize the worth of their investment in their education, making it a valuable proposition.

This forward-thinking strategy equips universities with a competitive edge. It not only assists in attracting prospective students but also aids in retaining them. Integrating Jugo into your institutional practices could tip the scales in your favor when students decide between your university and alternatives.

Creative Features Driving Interaction and Experience

Jugo’s interactive features – from polls and raised hands for questions to visually appealing displays. These elements contribute to an enriching experience, benefiting both the audience and the key speaker.

Additionally, Jugo enhances the customer experience (CX) by promoting engagement and satisfaction. Utilizing Jugo enhances students’ and customers’ interaction and, subsequently, positive feedback within the university community.

A Bridge Between Students, Teachers, and Institutions

Jugo’s interactive experience strengthens the bond between students, teachers, and the institution. By choosing Jugo, you’re not only choosing an interactive platform but also gaining the ability to accommodate a large audience without space constraints. This capacity opens potential avenues for blended classes and more extensive, integrated learning experiences.

While research suggests students are more likely to attend online lectures, engagement is the key to successful learning. Jugo excels in this respect by providing an immersive and engaging platform.

Jugo: Benefits that Add Value

  • Remote Work Compatibility: Jugo allows professionals to deliver high-quality education remotely, ensuring the same learning engagement as in-person classes.
  • Humanizing Digital Interaction: The platform creates a humanized, immersive experience for all participants, encouraging them to be more involved and fostering a comfortable environment for raising queries and contributing to discussions.

By promoting a more interactive and immersive learning experience, Jugo caters to both the educators’ and students’ needs. It also offers the flexibility to reach future international students, demonstrating its versatility in bridging geographical barriers.

Ready to Transform Your University’s Online Learning Experience?

The digital future of education is here, and it’s time your institution steps up to the plate. Upgrade your online learning with Jugo’s immersive 3D environments and interactive features. Give your students and teachers the dynamic, engaging digital classrooms they deserve.

Harness the power of advanced collaboration, leverage transformative student experiences, and adopt real-time adaptive teaching methods. With Jugo, you have the tools to navigate the future of hybrid learning confidently.

Don’t let your students feel shortchanged. Provide them with an education that’s worth their investment. Elevate your digital strategy, foster community and collaboration, and shape an enriching learning environment that mirrors real-life classrooms.

Are you ready to make a difference? Let’s redefine the digital education landscape together. For more information about Jugo and how it can benefit your institution, click here to contact us.

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